SiteBrowser feature list
SiteBrowser is a highly customizable applet, which can be used by web designers to provide easy and fast navigation with advanced visual quality. It is especially useful for complex structured web contents, but can also be used just to create specific look and feel of Your pages. Basically it displays items that are organized in a tree like structure, each item can have an icon(shape), text or image, link and target window for the link. It's advanced features are:
Complex tree structures, defined in separate text file. This make editing tree structure easier, you can for example automatically generate tree.txt file by some other program. This concept also allow you to separate feel and look parameters from actual tree structure (except for custom items).
Two main layouts allow the applet to be used either as vertical tree or horizontal menu.
Fully customizable vertical scroll bar, multiline items (up to four lines per item).
Internally rendered icons, shapes and scroll bar allow good visual quality without using of any external gifs or jpegs (though you may).
Advanced visual quality, with smoothed scrolling, dropdown and collapsing, color blending, smoothed shapes. No flickering or other glitches.
Everything customizable, fonts and shapes for each level of depth, alignment, colors, overall behavior like: will items expand on mouseover? Will previous item automatically collapse if you expand a new one? Do you want color blending effects? Even dropdown and collapse speed is customizable separatedly!
Quick and easy embedding into your Page. To get good visual quality you don't need even to draw any picture. Applet's embedded shapes will accommodate automatically to the size of your chosen font. You get one of the examples from this pages, modify tree.txt and maybe few parameters, and ready you are!
Quick loading (with all this features the applet size is just about 16k!) and initialization, except you use much of hand drawn custom items.
Custom items allowing You to create Your unique feel and look, that make up atmosphere of whole your web site.
Version ported to JDK 1.0 is available, providing maximal compatibility with browsers and platforms.
To get more in detail, browse through documentation, or else enough reading, let's look at all the examples.